Pregnancy exercise may be a trend among pregnant women (pregnant mothers), especially those who are still young. But apparently, this is not just a trend, exercise can provide real benefits for mothers during pregnancy and after childbirth. What are the benefits of pregnancy exercise? Check out the explanation below.
The benefits of pregnancy exercise can be felt during pregnancy until after giving birth
Being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. Precisely exercise during pregnancy is highly recommended to be done regularly.
This is because staying active during pregnancy, for example by routinely doing pregnancy exercises, can bring various benefits to you and your fetus.
Here are some of the benefits of exercise for pregnant women (pregnant women) that are certainly a pity to miss:
1. Help provide energy
Regular exercise such as pregnant exercise can help you in carrying out daily activities, one of which makes you less tired.
The benefits of exercise during pregnancy can also improve body fitness and train muscles to build up.
That way, the wattles on some parts of the body that usually appear can disappear.
2. Lower the risk of pregnancy complications
Some pregnancy complications whose risk can be reduced by doing pregnancy exercise are gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
The reason is, the risk of babies born with excess weight can decrease if pregnant women with gestational diabetes exercise three times a week.
Not only that, the risk of giving birth by caesarean section will also decrease.
The benefits of pregnancy exercise can also help maintain weight thereby improving your overall health.
3. Help reduce stress and raise the mood
Exercise, one of which is pregnant exercise, is considered to increase serotonin levels.
Serotonin is a mood-related brain chemical that can make you happier and more energized.
This is certainly very good for the fetus in the womb.
4. Reduces discomfort during pregnancy
You may feel unwell during pregnancy due to backache, constipation, flatulence, and swelling (eg in the legs).
By exercising, the body is more active in moving so that it supports the smooth circulation of blood in the body.
Exercises such as gymnastics can also strengthen muscles, which can help prevent and manage pain during pregnancy.
5. Makes sleep better
Exercise in the form of pregnant women can make your body quite tired.
Therefore, pregnant women who regularly exercise, such as doing pregnancy exercises, in the afternoon or morning tend to sleep better at night.
6. Help the body prepare for birth
Exercise during pregnancy can help make labor easier and shorten the delivery time.
Another important benefit is that it can reduce the risk of childbirth complications.
This is because the body is used to being trained and expending a lot of energy during sports or gymnastics.
7. Helps the body recover faster after giving birth
Exercising or exercising regularly during pregnancy can strengthen muscles.
This allows the body to recover faster after undergoing postnatal care because the muscles are used to being trained everyday.